Saturday, December 20, 2008

Events--LitQuake, October 2008

A ho! friends and book lovers,

Join me on the last night of LitQuake, San Francisco's literary festival, the book lover's version of the traditional pub crawl through the heart of the Mission District. Native drumming will be included in my reading. is a novel of magical realism casting a wide net from the ancient Anasazi of the Southwest to the techno-frenzy of Silicon Valley. Go to for more.

I will be reading along with other powerful writers on the theme of Finding Spirit in Everyday Life: Sera Beak, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Joan Gelfand, Marc Lesser, Naomi Rose

Here's what they're saying about us at LitQuake: "Inspired, Enraged, and Even Funny, These Voices Invoke Third Millennium Spirituality." (

You can imagine how excited I am., is being printed as I write this.

October 11, 2008
Saturday, at 6PM-7PM
Forest Books, 3080 16th Street at Valencia
San Francisco, CA.

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