Thursday, June 11, 2009

Event-- California State Fair--Weird, Wild and Wacky

Where? Author's Booth, California State Fair, Sacramento
When? August 21st & Sepember 3rd

Big Fun!Weird, Wild and Wacky
is the theme of the 2009 California State Fair in Sacramento. You can meet me and 38 other California authors in the author's booth.

Ask me about what's weird, wild and wacky in my new book,, a magical novel of the ancient Anasazi and post-9/11 Silicon Valley. I'll tell you what I know and don't know (is that even possible?)about self-publishing,fiction writing and my research into the ancient Anasazi heritage of the Southwest. You'll have the opportunity to buy my book.

Friday, August, 21st, 4 - 10PM
Thursday, September 3rd, 12 - 5PM

The Author's Booth is located in the public area of the A/B Building at Cal Expo, formerly called the “Counties Building” now often called the California Building. We are in the A Building on the ground floor across from the Cinnamon Buns, very near the annual Channel 10 broadcasting booth, and near the north and west entrances of the building. California Authors will be lettered on the wall.

Directions: See

The fair itself is weird, wild and wacky and runs from August 21st through September 7th. See you there. Big Fun, I promise you.

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